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Setup Optimization and First Year of Service

Website Hosting, Monitoring, and Maintenance


Service  Includes:

  • Website hosting:  Twelve months of hosting for your WordPress website.
  • SSL encryption: Provides visitor assurance that data transmission will not be intercepted.
  • Backups:  Weekly backups of content.  Provides ability to rollback in case of corruption or accidental  loss of data.  Allows for easy transfer to other service providers.
  • Routine software updates: Pretested updating of WordPress versions, plugins, and theme software.
  • Security:  Firewall and access-detection software thwarts hacking attempts by robots and humans. Daily malware scans are monitored. All  unauthorized access attempts or changes in site files are reviewed by Concept Compass.
  • Measure visitor activity:  Google Analytics install / tracking allows on-demand or scheduled reporting.
  • Be discovered:  Search Engine Optimization (“SEO”) tool is integrated that allows for best-practice formatting of web pages and posts.
  • Ask Google to take a look:  Automated XML sitemap generation (allows search engines to properly index site content). A Google Search Console account is set up and connected to your site. GSC webmaster notifications are actively monitored and acted upon, when appropriate.
  • Speed optimization:  Auto-caching and other steps for quicker page load.
  • On call for website performance issues:  24/7 no-charge support for hosting performance issues such as slow or no page load.  Troubleshooting and coaching services for content-related bugs and breaks can be scheduled (within two business days) – rate $80/hour.

Thank you for your business !